“Le système de formation nord-américain adopté par l’IIHEM se distingue des autres écoles et offre aux étudiants une grande flexibilité.” Amina & Radia Saadaoui, IIHEM Laureates - 2010
IIHEM offers five-year programs in two Schools:
In keeping with its international vocation, the languages of instruction at IIHEM are English and French. Admission to any English program requires a TOEFL score that is no less than 530. Students that do not have an adequate level of English are required to enroll first in the Institute Intensive English Program.
The conditions of admission, the contents of the programs, the pedagogical methods and the system of evaluation at the Institute are the same as those in use by the North American university partners of IIHEM.
The academic year at the International Institute for Higher Education in Morocco is divided into two semesters (fall and spring). Each semester consists of fifteen weeks.
In addition, the Institute offers summer session courses in computing and management, as well as a six-week intensive English language program.
Students may enroll at the Institute at the beginning of each semester, in September, February or June.
One of the most important assets of IIHEM is its faculty, which is composed of Moroccan professors with Ph.D. or Master's degrees from prestigious American, Canadian, British and other English-language universities. In recruiting its professors, the Institute requires that they have, in addition to this educational background, a wide range of experience in teaching and research and first-hand experience in the world of business and/or public administration.
IIHEM also regularly receives visiting foreign scholars who come to the Institute for varying periods of time. Visiting professors contribute to the Institute's academic programs by offering courses, giving guest lectures and leading seminars.
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